CEUs Rapid Assessment & Treatment

CEUs This article is meant to explain an easy to use the process to help define the core therapeutic issue of the client and pick the most useful therapy approaches to quickly resolve the problem.

I’ve been a therapist since 1973 and used standard therapies till 1989. In 1989 I was introduced to muscle testing or Applied Kinesiology as a testing tool. I started to use it every now and then with friends till I got comfortable with this new form of communication.

I read Dr. John Diamond’s book “The Body Doesn’t Lie” and

watched Dr. James Durlacher demonstrate it and became sold on it.

In 1990 I took classes in Dr. Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy(the original process) an acupressure technique and then took classes in Emotional Freedom Techniques (a streamlined version of TFT) popularized by Gary Craig.
Course c77 on EFT/TFT at www.contemporaryteaching.com
A question became rolling around in my head in the early 1990s. The question was if a person can be damaged in a second why can’t they heal in a second as well?
That question led me to a chiropractor who was holding the first training I went to on Thought Field Therapy. In a class of 20 taking notes “only Callahan’s and Durlacher s book was out then, I began to learn these dynamic approaches. But very soon a man named Dr. Fred Gallo wrote Energy Psychology and I discovered EFT and other “Power Therapies”.

I am discussing these books so you can seek them out if you are interested in learning these strategies.
I offer interactive CEUs Skype Classes as well as weekend training. for CEU’s. on EFT
and TFT
Kinesiology (muscle testing – go to youtube and type in kinesiology demonstration and get a view of how kinesiology) is used in all of these approaches to healing/curing fears, phobias, addictive urges, PTSD, anxiety, trauma, communication breakdowns, marriage and family problems, unresolved grief, etc.
It is the bodies’ lie detector. I began to use the “Power Therapies” and got comfortable with kinesiology. I now trust it completely. Remember that kinesiology is not a treatment tool it is a testing tool.
In fact, SAMSHA has recently approved Thought Field Therapy as an evidence-based treatment for PTSD. Go to http://nrepp.samhsa.gov/ProgramProfile.aspx?id=60to find the article
The following clinical tool is one I developed for use in my practice. I added in all the clinical tools I know and invite you to create your own list. This tool is used with kinesiology and I ask the client to focus on 1 issue for us to work on. Then I go through the list and discover the information using kinesiology.
The Council on Holistic Healing and Recovery Michael Yeager B.A., LCDC, CAS,, C.Ht, CTC 2122 Roesefield Dr., · Houston, Texas 77080 713-461-3279 · Fax: 713-461-9329 · www.holisticouncil.org
__________________________________________________ ________________________________ Full Name Date
Presenting Problem: ______________________________________________________________________
Age of onset: 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+
Kinesiology Test Statements:
I want to heal, resolve, complete this ___________________________________________________________
I can/desire to heal, resolve, comple this________________________________________________________
It’s possible to heal, resolve, complete this _________________________________________________________________________________________________
I deserve to heal, resolve, complete this _________________________________________________________________________________________________
It’s safe to heal, resolve, complete this _________________________________________________________________________________________________
I’m ready to heal, resolve, complete this _________________________________________________________________________________________________
The most effective healing strategies to complete this issue are:
REBT 12 Step TFT EFT TAT SMART Radical Forgiveness Grief Work PsyK
Rational Recovery Hypnosis Refer to another professional Biofeedback Pranic Healing
Reiki Touch for Health Massage General Talk Therapy Voice Dialog Amino-Acids
Talk about It Form Life Training Silva Women for Sobriety
There are 0-5 attachments 6-10 attachments 11+ attachments
Original Problem perpetrator
Mother Father Sister/s Brother/s Aunts/s Uncle/s School Teacher/s
Family Friend/s Minister/s, Priests Nun/s Neighbor/s
This process usually takes 3-5 minutes or less. Once I have discovered the issue and the right therapy I then work with the client using the tool identified that is most beneficial for the client.
At the end of the session, I retest the client on their energy attachment to the problem. I have them rate the level of discomfort they notice as they think about the problem. In most cases, the discomfort with the problem is down to a 1 or 2.
The more I use the tool the more comfortable I got with it and the results of each session showed the success of the process. I now guarantee each session. No Change No Charge.
By using the wisdom of the body one can get an unbiased look at effective problem-solving approaches.
If you have any questions please contact me.
Michael Yeager B.A. LCDC, C.Ht, CAS, CTC
9525 Katy Freeway, Suite 428, Houston, Texas 77024
713-461-3279 fax 713-461-9329
email: ceuinfo@ceuinfo.com
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