Fulfill all of your CEU requirements today…
Your One-Stop Resource For Obtaining The Continuing Education Credits You Need.
Created with over 30 years of experience by Michael Yeager B.A., LCDC, C.Ht, LMT, CAS, SAP, CTC

Back To Basics CEU Pro Course

Back To Basics

Back To Basics – The Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners Meetings  in Four One Hour Sessions.

Big Books - Using AA Principles

Using A.A. Principles

Introduces the guiding principles of the 12 Steps Alcoholics Anonymous Program of Recovery

Relapse Prevention

Relapse Prevention

This 11 hour Relapse Prevention course is to offer strategies for developing a successful long-term recovery plan.

Compulsive Spending/Debting Recovery

Compulsive Spending/Debting Recovery

This 17 hour course focuses on the problems associated with compulsive spending.

Integration The 12 Steps Addiction Therapy

Integration The 12 Steps Addiction Therapy

This 20 hour course is a resource collection and guide for integrating the 12-steps.

Substance Abuse Treatment Group Therapy

Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy

This course is the basis of treatment programs non-12 step approach.

Substance Abuse Treatment & Family Therapy

Substance Abuse Treatment & Family Therapy

This 12 hour course addresses how substance abuse affects the entire family.

The Road to Wellbriety

Road to Wellbriety

This inspiring 15 hour course heals and improves the relationship with self, loved ones and society.

C32 Relapse Prevention - Criminal Offenders

Relapse Prevention – Criminal Offenders

This course is intended for use by people who are interested in working with CD offenders.

Addiction Recovery

Seven Weeks to Sobriety

To expand the participant’s thinking to support the idea of treating the disease of addiction vs. specific addictive disorders.

SMART Recovery C66

SMART Recovery

SMART recovery teaches rational, easy to learn and self-empowering skills.

What Our Professionals Have to Say

"Michael Yeager has been one of the pioneers in the addictions, behavioral heath, trainings and personal wellness field for many years. I have and will continue to access Michael's services for clients in need or for professionals seeking continued training."
Christopher J Brekka CEAP, RAS
" I appreciate the way you used yourself and some of your client’s experiences to help the audience understand your points. It was obvious from the several people with tearful eyes that you struck chords that run deeper than the cognitive level."
W. Andrew Smith, Ph.D.
Counseling and Testing Services
"Under Michael’s direction and leadership, St. John the Divine successfully hosted a nine-week Codependency Education series and a six-week Family Systems series of lectures. Attracting as many as 600 people per session."
Stephen M. Smith
St. John the Divine Episcopal Church
"I took one of Michael's courses last years, it was so clear and well written, it made the whole experience enjoyable. I signed up for two more to help me with my training and some of my own issues. I cannot recommend CEU Pro courses highly enough".
Lindsey Churchill LCDC
Private Practice